Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Madness anyone?

Sandy's Gmail one-liner text for today says "Monday Madness anyone?" which I took to mean that today is Monday and she's having a crazy day..anyone for tennis?
The truth is, I'm ignoring it completely and adding entries into my blog..pretending I can't see it and therefore, it can't find me...

Good on Sandy for advertising group get-togethers in such a passive way. No Facebook invitations announcing to all your friends and aquaintences that you actually arrange your social life...No smsing your whole address book and waiting for replies from all who may have a moment in their busy day to respond...phonecalls seem to be a bit of a thing of the past. Unless its an important thing where you want the person to feel honored that you've actually PHONED them to invite them and spent less than 23c in the effort because you really don't want them to say no. The down-side of course is that perhaps nobody will respond. Sandy's a goer though. Lots of fun. Not much chance of that.

As Monday would have it, I'm wrong: Monday Madness refers to Jamica Me Crazy's Monday night R29 meals which I'm so up for if my 'Sex and the City' movie night falls through....or I could just stay at home and watch "The Family Guy". IF I finally go and have the bath that's run and waiting for me so that I can get on with my design work for the day so that I will actually be free tonight.

Crown me procrastination queen.
I denounce my thrown.
The kingdom is crestfallen (whatever that means).
I bath in water instead of milk.
I go out into the world with clothes on intead of staying home in my pj's. *sigh* Another day, another blogger (entry).

In the spirit of the title of this post, I found this website:

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