When Geoff got home yesterday, we discovered that a (probably first) flying lesson had gone into a bit of a disaster with this baby landing in our pool:

We saved it with the pool net and put it into a crate with some newspaper, food and water. This morning, the bain of our balcony (a mating pair of rock pigeons) were cooing around the crate looking all puffed up and concerned. We're uncertain as to whether this bird will survive. Its not looking good....
How is the pigeon baby doing now? Do the parents have other young offspring at the moment? What I've seen before is that if there is a weakling in the brood they will ignore it or shove it out and favour the strong ones.
A cat got to it...but we suspect that it was already dead by the time the cat found its way onto our balcony :(
I don't know if there are other offspring because they are / were nesting right up on the roof, out of view.
The parents seemed very distressed that day: they must have known that their baby failed its flying attempt...we're not sure how long it was in the pool for by the time we saw it...
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