Now I've been once...T has been once...and Stan had never bowled before. He got the highest score. I would say 'beginners luck' but we're all beginners! I found a ball that fitted my fingers (although it eludes me how they're supposed to feel) without getting the suction thing going and fingers stuck & panic of can't get them out.....It was really really good to spend some 'alone time' with my siblings. Don't know when we'll get the chance again...
Stan's bachelor party was last night...actually, it was an all day thing with go-carting, a braai..and needless to say: too many beers & B&C's (brandy & coke's). Geoff came home with pics of my beloved brother trying to get up from his fall on the grass with a beer glass taped to his hand, 2 friends standing half on top of him in conquering sort of poses. He didn't look well but he was smiling all the way & he survived it all.

So if you are one of the 2 people who read my blog & you haven't seen it, go hire it - its dry...but an entertaining sneak view into a few weeks in someone else's really bizarre 'reality'...and boys enjoy it too so you can watch it with your men :)
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