I have been working and sick and working and then finally we decided to go to my Mom and Dad for the weekend to really chill out and be looked after and do an amazing visit (as always) and get fed WAY too much by my Mom....
Parents are great. It is so amazing to know that these 2 amazing people are thinking of me all the time....looking forward to every second they spend with me...talk on the phone with me...LOVE what I do... These 2 wonderful people, (that my siblings and I refer to as 'the parental unit') are living their lives and loving one another after so many years of marriage :)
They just bought a C-Kayak.....we went with them to take it on its 'maiden voyage' as they refered to it as...we met them at Little Brak River (where we spent most Christmas holidays with loads of family -- waterskiing....playing...covering ourselves from head to toe with river mud while the parents drove the boats and fished and the grandparent generation got sozzled on G&T's....what fun!)
Because its been work work work I have not been finding time to look for as many cool things as I did a few weeks back....some stand-out items are as follows:
And here are a couple of fun site links to bookmark:
And a great resource for great links:
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