It has been FREEZING cold and windy since we moved in....the odd lovely moment when the wind does a brief calm-down is so nice....we have sun streaming in all windows in the beautiful. So warming for the house and for the spirit.
On Wednesday I was having tea on our new balcony and a rainbow started appearing from the lighthouse and spread its way right across the sky to form a complete bow...Rainbows always make me think of Sunday School so long ago....when Noah had been on the ark with all the animals for 40 days and 40 nights and it stopped raining, a rainbow appeared to remind him that God loved him. It was so appropriate in my head-space - such a sign of hope and new beginning that I was quite touched this beautiful symbol - assuring me that everything is going to be fine.

Geoff and I had our first night cooking at home last night...I made a soy mince, lentil and Mexican Tomato mix pie...he poured us each a glass of wine and we sat -- on too-high chairs and a pick-nick table, 2 candles and a bunch of boxes -- in our lounge....after which we put a mattress on the floor, got out my mini TV and video machine and watched 'Me, Myself and Irene' snuggled under the duvet. What bliss to be with my Love in our new home :)

And other than that I have just been feeling sensitive and truly exhausted after the moving and work piling in and stresses of painting and packing and moving and unpacking and sorting and deadlines and the cold that goes with Winter.
I was reminded with such clarity today about how precious our soul-mate is. No matter how grumpy and bad tempered one gets: quiet, deep consideration for one's partner is imperative to maintain. A lasting, loving relationship with Geoff is the most precious thing I have in my life. We want to go into forever laughing together, crying together...a sanctuary for one another. I love him so much. I love our new home and us together in it.
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