Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Family Veldrif Weekend

On the weekend of the 16th of April, my mom and dad, brother + wife, sister + husband, Geoff and I, headed off to Veldrif for the weekend (for mom's 50th birthday). We stayed at the most awesome house - River Time > the website photos don't do it justice at all!

Here are a few pics from the weekend:

The river jetties

Family photo fun...can you spot the 2 pregos?
Clue below >

Yay! Grace Cooper in da tum. Due between the 30th May - 8 June 2010!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Hi Gina, this place looks amazing. I want to go there NOW! I love the family pics, we did something similar over Easter with my family - glad to know we are not the only crazy people. So ... 2 of the girls are pregnant and 1 of the guys?!