I was in Woolworths in George with my mom at the begining of this month & we came across this unfortunate looking manequin...
The great news in our lives: T'Neal is preggo! It is so exciting! She is going to have a girl around the time of my next birthday-between 3 and 8 June and I may become an aunty on my very birthday!
Just had to tell my blog cos I couldnt before and now the complications time is over and she is all perfect :)
Whoo hoo bee! if I'm luck... very luck... I may get to look like this beautiful example of a pregnant chick - or should I just shove a pillow under my woolies maternity top? =)
Congrats, soon to be aunty!
Thanks so much, Thaya...
And T: perhaps you should put a pillow under for now until you show...that way you'll get more weeks of preggie attention! ;)
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