Monday, February 16, 2009

African Font


Shelley Jane Ahrens said...

So cool! I tried once, but I also struggled with big gaps and so I gave up. I'd love to see your handwriting! Maybe write your next post with it? Love

Anonymous said...

The reason the phrase "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is used is so that you can see how each letter of the alphabet will look using the font at hand; it is a phrase that uses each of the 26-letters of the alphabet at least once. Just thought you should know.

Gina Ross said...

Thanks, Anonymous..
I know that :)'s still quite 'un-African' so I'm sticking with my giraffe story!

cjbatz said...

Arrgh... this is exactly the font I need.

Gina Ross said...

Great Carl! Enjoy! :)