12 Aprons got delivered yesterday to Mosaic Works after having a seriously "D'oh!" (said Homer style) moment with the lovely girl who owns the place..... well, lets just say I gave her a very un-censored crit on her terrible website......which was not actually her website as dumbass me had typed the wrong address in.......and of course she gave me a hug in the end thinking 'what a bitch' and I phoned her 2 weeks later to confirm apron delivery.....popped onto the (correct) website and to my amazement it was BEAUTIFUL! So of course I said "your website is GORGEOUS!" and she said..."its been like that for a year". I won't put down the first one but http://www.mosaicworks.co.za/ is really beautiful and everybody clearly knew what they were talking about when they said it is a lovely site. *sigh*
So as luck would have it, I went and forgot one of the aprons at home as well....(see picture)...Geoff keeps running away with his camera with the rest of the pictures on so I will post them at a later stage...I must say: I think they came out really well...now to keep up with demand......
Sandy always has interesting links on her Gtalk text line thingie....today she has a link to 'Damien's Blog' which is really cool.............here's a sample:
Speaking of which: I had a long dream about the Mosaic design I want to put together for our new, completely unfurnished chipped-tile kitchen!! The walls are painted...the floor paint is drying...and TUESDAY is moving day! YAY! although not yay for the packing but we'll get this place sorted out (hopefully) before Tuesday so we can make a nice seamless move up the road to our new pozzie with lots of space to play in! (not to mention the view!)........Will have to post a 'before' (current flat) and 'after' (new flat) view pic...So the count-down begins.......hopefully we can get everything ready on time.....
So watch http://www.missmolly.co.za/ 's catalogue page!.....we may even pop them in one of our 'Cracker Jane' party crackers......
....and in other news....I'm glad we're not moving here:
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