Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sport vs Love

I just came across somebody's blog entry about the day of the South African victory of the World Cup Rugby Final last year (2007)....


It was a terrific day....great victory...Geoff and I don't make a point of watching any how were we to know that the PERFECT date to have our wedding, the 20th of October, would be the day of the cup final. And as it would happen, of our 16 guests, we had a few fanatics.

...So, after and absolutely PERFECT beach wedding with painted clouds and not a breath of wind...a lovely reception dinner (although a bit rushed) and dessert, we went to my new sister-in-law's place and I curled up, in my beautiful wedding dress, on the day room couch and I slipped into blissful sleep to the sound of the comentator....later, when we got home, there were people cheering and shouting and celebrating in the street below our balcony and we just pretended they were all cheering and happy for us (like our neighbours were, waiting on their landing to congratulate us!)

We have the newspaper pole ad 'We are the Champs' 21 October 2007 on our wall :)

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