Friday, September 19, 2008

Penis Play

Phew...what a week.

Finished presentation 2 for Cape Wine and just getting everything sent and uploaded....

Its been a bit turbulant this week...not been feeling myself for most of it...just trying to keep it together to get the workload a bit lighter....thank heavens for the presentations being done!

Geoff and I went to see the most bizzare show last night... Puppetry of the Penis at the Baxter...

He bought the tickets and surprised me -- booked me on a date the sweet guy..... he kept on saying things like 'you should be going to see this with a girl friend' ....'how can you tell your parents I'm taking you on a date' ....'I'm sure your folks wouldn't want to see this show' -- and I kept going - 'I'm sure they'd love to go to any show' and 'no - I'm glad we're going to the show - why should I take a girl friend'? ....etc etc.....and then I found out why he said the things he did.

Bizarre doesn't really cover it!

Basically, its these 2 Australian guys who manipulate their business into all sorts of shapes on the stage, totally naked for an hour or whatever long it took to do all their 'installations' with a BIG screen behind them with closeups of their 'installations'. Geoff puts it down to 'Aussie humour' and that 'it must be hard up to find jobs in Australia' - no pun intended.....

Just when I thought I'd seen everything.

We drove around afterwards to try and find something to eat and ended up at Steers in Rondebosch -- we were just complaining about the decor and the big screen TV with sound echoing around the rather dodgey feeling place when Shells and Steve walked in for ice cream.

What a strange coincidence. Well, you can imagine the converstation over ice cream and chips.

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