Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Division of labour

There's something terrible that keeps happening to me. Usually division of labour makes things easier. In my case, it makes things unnecessarily complicated.

I'm not the person to ask to spell-check. I'm terrible at it! I have to whip everything into WORD before I am ready to publish -- and still (as, I am sure you invisible people who don't read my blog will not know - because nobody reads /comments on anything in my blog) ...the spelling and grammatical errors crop up rather frequently when I don't bother to pop into my little spell checker friend's world...

I am now going to learn from this mistake and check other people's work for errors. This is more to protect myself than anybody else.

Assuming responsibility for a JPG (that I didn't create that has spelling errors) that's been sent to me is not my idea of a fun time when I have work piled up to the ceiling and no time to do the same thing 20 times because of clients approving artwork that's not perfect.

In this case, I'm going to put it down to the client's "Murphey's law" as she's going away and everything is coming down on her and refracting onto me as a third party.

Bloody spelling.

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