Ever had the feeling that you're going to tear your hair out...cry at any minute: neck...back...eyes aching from staring at the computer screen ALL day trying to find a solution to a problem that you keep finding bits and pieces of solutions to but not one solution that solves the whole problem.....you just KNOW you don't want to have to pay money for it as it will probably not do exactly what you wanted it to and then you'll have to throw money away on the next thing....? Oh why didn't I study coding?? Because its waaaay too technical and boring and I'm an ARTIST. Dammit.
This is the position, to-do list as long as my passage - almost counting days and hours till we leave for Spain & freaking out about the lack of packing, pre-trip shopping (essentials like a sleeping bag) and a bunch of other stuff... and the fact that the lady at the post office knows I'm going away which has set off paranoia that she'll tell a thieving friend who will somehow convince her to give him our home address so that they can share the fruits of their crime - endangering our house-sitter...then realising that its stupid because our place is really really hard to get into plus its up all those blasted stairs & there's nothing here anyhow that anybody could really want that would be more than just an inconvenience if it were stolen...except some of my Nine West shoes and my favorite tea cups perhaps...I mentally put angels around the flat & try not to imagine intruders drinking all my champagne on the balcony and laughing whilst the house-sitter serves them my favorite ice-cream out the deep freeze along with my secret chocolate stash. I have an overactive imagination.
And yes. I am freaking out.
As a design-focused person with mediocre knowledge of HTML...almost zero JavaScript etc etc etc... I have found myself (on more than one occasion) looking for a form solution that really works. So: "THANK YOU" to the people at
http://www.emailmeform.com/ for their solution which has just made a really frustrating day of research and more than one freak-out really worthwhile.