Friday, October 31, 2008

Miss Molly is TRENDY ! [ tren - deeee]

SpringLeap is doing this clever little marketing campaign.

They've teamed up with GoMoto Motorcycles that have somehow managed to get themselves rated as really trendy cool motorbikes for trendy sorts of people. So GoMoto is donating one of their scooter-motorbike thingies to a member of the top 100 trendiest companies in Cape Town...

So I took a shot and entered Miss Molly...........
............and we got on the TOP 100 TRENDIEST COMPANIES IN CAPE TOWN!
How cool is that??

I love this campaign as they are giving each one of these trendy companies a code which they can use, market, distribute etc for people to buy T-Shirts from SpringLeap at 25% off. That's R137.25 for a really cool T-shirt with an amazing design and a same-day delivery!

Which means, in essence -- that the top 100 TRENDIEST (miss molly = trendy) companies have a carrot & a cool one at that, to reach all their friends & their friends friends friends friends friends to buy T-Shirts so that they can win a scooter - thereby advertising SpringLeap as well as their own company (as being TRENDY [as in TRENDY - like miss molly!] ) well as GoMoto (if the TRENDY companies (ie: miss molly etc) decide to include them in the advertising of the 25% discount code) will be super interesting to know, from a marketing perspecitive, if this is a truely clever campaign in the greater marketing scheme of things...
to me: it sounds fool-proof! (Mostly for SpringLeap)

....and what do you know?! I managed to add another blog entry a mere 15 mins before next month! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October check-in

Well, it is the end of October and I feel that I've achieved quite a bit this month.... Colleen's website can go live as soon as she gives me her go-ahead & a few more little snag-list items to complete...........

Been working really hard on the new Tocara Skin & Body Science website -- hopefully we can go live with that one in the next few days. Its been mayhem workwise, but I'm finding a little bit of quiet time to do my Artist's Way & morning pages & get the odd surf in.

We've had south easter winds which has been a bit of a pain. The sea gets to looking unfriendly and rough and uninviting to say the least. Today it was beautiful though. Got 2 surfs in and there's progress every day I go out... started doing some situps and pushups so hopefully that will help get me nice and agile on the waves....

Kamersvol Geskenke started today. Shelley and I busted ourselves getting stuff together...lots of cool aprons & T'Neal's stationary is totally beautiful and amazing...

Stan's soon-to-be wife's kitchen tea is on Sat. My parents will arrive tomorrow night so that they can have a visit for that & T'Neal's husband's birthday on Sunday...I suppose I had better bake something for him as well....we'll see.

I found cool cake glitter today at the Baking Tin. Can't wait to sprinkle it on some creations (when I get a minute to breathe)...

Lots of new things on the home front. Our kitchen renovation is underway & we're getting blinds for the studio, passage and bedroom which will be means I can work in the studio in the afternoon without squinting into the sun. Ah - SUMMER!

And that's pretty much it for my month end check-in (unless something interesting happens to inspire me to do another entry in the next day or so!)

Friday, October 24, 2008

quick blog...

I have a million trillion things to do today.....quickly blogging before yet another client meeting that I know will be more social than constructive...I suppose that's ok.

I just got sent mail from an amazing artist friend of mine living in Mozambique with a bit of her news & a link to her blog contributions on Kagablog - here. It amazes me how I can know someone and have a connection with them...lose them for so long and then be re-united in a way. Not many words needed..knowing her face only by the latest image she posted on Facebook.

I can only think that my artistic & life processes at this time is leading me to these reunions for some really awesome reason...I wonder what they could be....

This week has been all about gaining some closure - finding what it is that moves me -- letting go and really feeling things in order to heal new.. rediscover a wonder of knowing a god...being quietly comfortable with a growing knowledge that I am good enough. That things are going to be ok if not perfect.

I found myself burst into sudden tears - absolutely no warning - for 2 people I love so very deeply.
I was writing about the God thing. How cruel it is that something perfect can be destroyed so suddenly - for no apparent good reason.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Geoff & I just had a really lovely weekend away at the second ever AfrikaBurns about 150km or so north of Ceres. It was amazing camping in the middle of the Karoo with nothing much around us at was amazing to drive and drive and go so far away from home & all we was so hot! There was one thing that we saw that was one of the most magical things I've seen in reality...probably in my life...Have a look at this to get an idea:

They let them go one at a time..they floated up, 'following eachother' - looking a bit like they were attached to a magical string fastened between earth & somewhere in Heaven.... they just went higher and higher...of course it was in the middle of the Karoo so the stars were incredible....the lanterns floated up to join the stars but they made their own, golden constellations against the black of the sky and the silver star constellations flickering there with them. I can't even describe to you how fantastical it was. Totally mindblowingly beautiful....The whole trip was worth it just for seeing that....

Someone took a picture of our camp site:

We decided to drive back along dust roads and we had the most amazing drive back...we stopped 3 times to take in amazing views...have egg-jaffel lunch & mojito's and just take the trip easy.. It was such important, quality time with eachother.. we learned a lot....spoke about important things...realised a lot of it was very worthwhile. We had a long bath & fell into bed just after 9pm...I'm feeling quite energised and optimistic for this week :)

It was our 1 year anniversery yesterday...we had a lovely breakfast on our balcony watching the whales playing in the calm sea...what a beautiful day & what a lovely way to start it with the one I love! :)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Artist's Way

Nobody ever told me about 'The Artist's Way'. Sometimes it takes a really amazing person to come into one's life & introduce you to something that turns your world upside down [for the better]...

We have just started WEEK 4 - Colleen, Peta, Gillian & I. Geoff is my wingman & he's being amazingly supportive.

My favorite bit that's been so far is the bit in WEEK 2 about 'crazymakers'
[see my previous post - DHC - 'Bloodnut' is the top crazymaking freak that's bulldozed her crazymaking ways into my life]

The reason I wanted to introduce 'The Artist's Way' to my blog is because my process of recovery will probably have an influence on my blog entries...At the moment I feel like I need to cocoon -- be safe in my home haven - this is frustrating as it is a complete shambles at the moment. I have organised for T's lady to come and clean so we can be more sane.

I feel like I need to get out...walk...see it seems too scarey. Leaving home seems too scarey because I'd have to return to the shambles. If I never leave it, I won't have to spend my time away wishing I could get home & it would be magically sorted out.

A tidy house
Time to sew
Time to bake
For us to have our oven already so that I can do my baking
Time to mosaic our outside wall...
Time to photoshop how I want the kitchen cupboards to look...
Perfect waves every day with warm sea
Lots of whales all the time (there are 10 today!)

Those are just a few of my wishlist items....I just made a special WISHLIST PAGE for myself...lets see what changes in the next while....