This is where I realise that I've become more technically knowledgable than I ever thought I could be....Dear Adobe, maker of fabulouso programmes like Photoshop and Flash, has done an 'automatic update' which, quite fankly, has wasted a lot of my time.... it turns out that making a new fancy .exe (Window's Projector) icon:


was more of a concern to them than checking if the fscommand for fullscreen would work!! Which means THANK GOODNESS I kept MX installed or I wouldn't have my old projector and my huge job due in a few days would have been 'tickets'....I'd have had to re-do the whole thing in Powerpoint. Not fun. Anyhoo....I trust that the people at Adobe will fix this problem really quickly so we can all get on with our lives.
It only took me 3 hours to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. At least I knew it wasn't any fault of mine. Usually it is. This time not.....
So, out of curiosity, (and the fact that Geoff lived in a house called 'Adobe') I thought I'd better what Adobe means...Turns out I don't understand why they called their company this:
Pronunciation[uh-doh-bee] –noun 1. sun-dried brick made of clay and straw, in common use in countries having little rainfall.
2. a yellow silt or clay, deposited by rivers, used to make bricks.
3. a building constructed of adobe.
4. a dark, heavy soil, containing clay. Interesting enough word....When they swallowed up Macromedia they should have kept that name. Makes more sense to me.