Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm so excited....this is one of the most terrible photos of me, BUT, my surfboard is the main focus of this post, not me myself:

I fell in love with her the second I laid my eyes on her... 6.8 ft beauty... I've surfed her twice - YES! She's a her... haven't quite decided on a name yet... Was quite keen on 'Rosalita' ...but in the water today she whispered to me that she feels more like she should be called 'Rocket'. I suppose its good a name as any for a fantastically crafted, awesomely coloured, streamline surfboard that is the surfboard personification of myself (if I don't say so myself)....

Bring on the waves!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Call me 'Kitty'

There is this silly site for procrastination called ' Blog Things ' where you can do really bad tests to find out if you are dog or cat or which sense (of the 5 senses) you are most sensitive to (I am touch) and such....I've always wanted a cat...perhaps one day when we don't travel around so much we'll have one. In the mean time, its Sushi and Red (our goldfish) to keep us company. Geoff even said this morning that he wants to build a fish tank into our kitchen. I'm flattered that he's so fond of the little swimming buddies!

You Are: 40% Dog, 60% Cat

You and cats have a lot in common. You're both smart and in charge - with a good amount of attitude. However, you do have a very playful side that occasionally comes out!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Penis Play

Phew...what a week.

Finished presentation 2 for Cape Wine and just getting everything sent and uploaded....

Its been a bit turbulant this week...not been feeling myself for most of it...just trying to keep it together to get the workload a bit lighter....thank heavens for the presentations being done!

Geoff and I went to see the most bizzare show last night... Puppetry of the Penis at the Baxter...

He bought the tickets and surprised me -- booked me on a date the sweet guy..... he kept on saying things like 'you should be going to see this with a girl friend' ....'how can you tell your parents I'm taking you on a date' ....'I'm sure your folks wouldn't want to see this show' -- and I kept going - 'I'm sure they'd love to go to any show' and 'no - I'm glad we're going to the show - why should I take a girl friend'? ....etc etc.....and then I found out why he said the things he did.

Bizarre doesn't really cover it!

Basically, its these 2 Australian guys who manipulate their business into all sorts of shapes on the stage, totally naked for an hour or whatever long it took to do all their 'installations' with a BIG screen behind them with closeups of their 'installations'. Geoff puts it down to 'Aussie humour' and that 'it must be hard up to find jobs in Australia' - no pun intended.....

Just when I thought I'd seen everything.

We drove around afterwards to try and find something to eat and ended up at Steers in Rondebosch -- we were just complaining about the decor and the big screen TV with sound echoing around the rather dodgey feeling place when Shells and Steve walked in for ice cream.

What a strange coincidence. Well, you can imagine the converstation over ice cream and chips.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Division of labour

There's something terrible that keeps happening to me. Usually division of labour makes things easier. In my case, it makes things unnecessarily complicated.

I'm not the person to ask to spell-check. I'm terrible at it! I have to whip everything into WORD before I am ready to publish -- and still (as, I am sure you invisible people who don't read my blog will not know - because nobody reads /comments on anything in my blog) ...the spelling and grammatical errors crop up rather frequently when I don't bother to pop into my little spell checker friend's world...

I am now going to learn from this mistake and check other people's work for errors. This is more to protect myself than anybody else.

Assuming responsibility for a JPG (that I didn't create that has spelling errors) that's been sent to me is not my idea of a fun time when I have work piled up to the ceiling and no time to do the same thing 20 times because of clients approving artwork that's not perfect.

In this case, I'm going to put it down to the client's "Murphey's law" as she's going away and everything is coming down on her and refracting onto me as a third party.

Bloody spelling.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Yes! I said 'CROWDSOURCING' ...Follow this link to find out all you need to know about crowdsourcing...I am so excited I can almost not contain myself.

I recently submitted a few designs into crowdSPRING (which I am happy to say was developed by my ex-flatmate (and current friend), Vincent Cassar)...

You can check out my crowdSPRING page HERE...I go by LostHorizon

I feel like the world (of procrastination) has been opened up to me in a whole new way....T-Shirt Designs -- logo designs for random companies (with money) on the web...and its all so wonderful that it is all accessable...(as long as the bandwidth holds up).......

Some work...kitchen cupboard planning and possibly some eating needs to happen now! ....lots of apron cutting and such tomorrow....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sport vs Love

I just came across somebody's blog entry about the day of the South African victory of the World Cup Rugby Final last year (2007)....


It was a terrific day....great victory...Geoff and I don't make a point of watching any sport...so how were we to know that the PERFECT date to have our wedding, the 20th of October, would be the day of the cup final. And as it would happen, of our 16 guests, we had a few fanatics.

...So, after and absolutely PERFECT beach wedding with painted clouds and not a breath of wind...a lovely reception dinner (although a bit rushed) and dessert, we went to my new sister-in-law's place and I curled up, in my beautiful wedding dress, on the day room couch and I slipped into blissful sleep to the sound of the comentator....later, when we got home, there were people cheering and shouting and celebrating in the street below our balcony and we just pretended they were all cheering and happy for us (like our neighbours were, waiting on their landing to congratulate us!)

We have the newspaper pole ad 'We are the Champs' 21 October 2007 on our wall :)


We're finally doing our renovations......I'm practically huddled in my corner of the studio feeling like the world is ending....the building is shaking...there are 10 strange men - electricians & builders - in my flat walking about in over-alls and drilling and bashing and hammering and carrying huge bricks out of our beautiful flat which has floors full of building rubble.....

We've gone from 'bad kitchen' to 'no kitchen' in the last 2.5 hours. The fridge is in the lounge, covered in black plastic and I just switched it off for fear of it over-heating due to lack of ventilation.

I found my secret Pringles stash and I'm doing some comfort eating (setting a record for the fastest a tube of Pringles has ever disappeared) to try and take my mind off what's going on in our dust-filled love nest. In a way, I'm glad that Geoff is being spared this feeling of 'oh-ohh....what are they DOING??'

I REMIND MYSELF (over and over):
It is going to be wonderful when its done. It is going to be beautiful. The dream I had last night (Geoff and I standing in the kitching and looking over the balcony at the sea) is going to come true so soon. So so soon....

Wishing every second though that I didn't have to be here until its done!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Flash .exe nightmare

This is where I realise that I've become more technically knowledgable than I ever thought I could be....Dear Adobe, maker of fabulouso programmes like Photoshop and Flash, has done an 'automatic update' which, quite fankly, has wasted a lot of my time.... it turns out that making a new fancy .exe (Window's Projector) icon:


was more of a concern to them than checking if the fscommand for fullscreen would work!! Which means THANK GOODNESS I kept MX installed or I wouldn't have my old projector and my huge job due in a few days would have been 'tickets'....I'd have had to re-do the whole thing in Powerpoint. Not fun. Anyhoo....I trust that the people at Adobe will fix this problem really quickly so we can all get on with our lives.

It only took me 3 hours to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. At least I knew it wasn't any fault of mine. Usually it is. This time not.....

So, out of curiosity, (and the fact that Geoff lived in a house called 'Adobe') I thought I'd better dictionary.com what Adobe means...Turns out I don't understand why they called their company this:

Pronunciation[uh-doh-bee] –noun

1. sun-dried brick made of clay and straw, in common use in countries having little rainfall.
2. a yellow silt or clay, deposited by rivers, used to make bricks.
3. a building constructed of adobe.
4. a dark, heavy soil, containing clay.

Interesting enough word....When they swallowed up Macromedia they should have kept that name. Makes more sense to me.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Spring Leap


I've entered my design 'Line Fish' into the Spring Leap competition and I keep on going on to see if my design has been approved -- it keeps saying 'Pending Approval'....OH PLEASE ACCEPT IT!!! I've been jotting ideas down for new designs and have 2 that I desperately want to create as soon as I have a bit of time to put the designs together......I'm so excited about doing my own thing - mostly as a personal creative outlet....Everything is a possible idea.My brain is on FIRE! Ooh! there's another design idea...!

I keep on finding really cool t-shirts that other people have designed...there's a site that I thought was cool until I met Spring Leap : Snorg Tees....and on closer examination, this is a serious thing that people all over the world are getting involved in...so cool! :)

...I will be encouraged by the acceptance of this first design I've shared on a broader level...there's no reason for them not to accept it, is there? ...watch out world...there are {hopefully} some interesting things to come from this creative mind yet!

Lots of work to do...procrastination faerie keeps visiting me but I'm trying to keep her as caged as I can until I have some breathing room...perhaps I need tighter deadlines??! I work well under deadline situations.....This entry is probably going to be shocking 'cos we went to Theresa's (restaurant) tonight and drank way too much wine for a 'school night'...Signing off and going under cover (of down douvet). I'm sure there's a T-Shirt design in there somewhere.