Photographing this roach was the only good thing about today. I had to be creative with it as a release....
THOUGHTS ON THE TRAFFIC: STOP WASTING MY TIME PEOPLE!!!!!! ...and those tiny little girls at the gym who don't need to be at the gym who totally waste treadmill time because the conveyer belt is rushing between their legs as they chat away on their cell phones while I wait my turn, listening to a conversation born in Barby-land.
Ok...feeling a bit more rational. A bit more like I might only drink half of ONE bottle of wine in my fridge.
See you if I get to the flip side.

IMAGE: By Saphrite
SUBJECT: West Coast of South Africa
I've been deconstructing a lot... sorting out what's what in various areas of my life. In general, things are still going well, and I still have a great feeling about this year..
Everyone seems to be having a great time, but its still early days..Hopefully things won't go all pear-shaped like they did last year (for just about everyone I spoke with)
So this evening's rambling is not going to be a very intelligent one..just a rambling to get some thoughts down and see if I can deconstruct one last little bit for the day.
It is interesting seeing friends that I thought I'd lost in the grain. I'm not sure how I feel about having made peace with not having a connection with someone and having them come back into my life. I'm thinking that perhaps I take these things too seriously. I'd like to think I'm becoming more compassionate - letting people get on with their own thing. I think a lot of people must feel the same - that they just are not getting the response from people that they hoped.
How much is too much to give of oneself when it comes to friendships/relationships?
What is the solution?
My word of wisdom: As my mother always says "get happy with yourself"
The assumption is, that if one really is happy with yourself and you've done everything from your side to 'keep your side clean' - then there is nothing more that we can do - and hopefully we've learned the skills to 'get happy' with that too
signing off..over and out

Life is still beautiful..things seem rather a mess at times but in general I'm in a great space. Loving life. Loving "Death Cab for Cutie"
Feeling inspired to really do things that are creative and hoping that I can stop procrastinating for long enough to achieve my goals..... Spending lots of time at the beach..in the sea..in my dream landscape
Just finished reading John Irving's "The Fourth Hand"...I would definitely recommend this..Not only is it really funny (especially the beginning)..but it is crazy and loony and it really does highlight the vulnerability of us as humans in the face of love and fulfillment.
Also - go and see "Bee Season" - it is fantastic..go in with an open mind and open heart. It can truly be an uplifting experience..
Signing off...Have a happy first week of Feb 2006 ! xx