Thursday, August 20, 2009

Most Unusual

Yesterday in FREEZING COLD Kalk Bay, I looked over the balcony to see the strangest horizontal rainbow (pictured above)...

There is hope. That's what rainbows stand for according to my Sunday-School class teachers when Noah was discussed...this was at the Methodist church in George, the town where I grew up... We had the fortune (or misfortune??) of growing up in a house that's back gate bordered the back of the church yard....

On Sundays, dressed in "Sunday-best" (girls had to wear a dress or skirt), our family would walk down the rather long garden..past the veggie garden (& my strawberry patch) through the gate and into church yard where we would split - adults to church and children to Sunday-School to sing songs and make pictures of Bible stories.

My mom was a Sunday-School teacher for a short while. The best stories I remember my mom coming home with were these:
  • On completing a nativity scene, a little child was asked to point out 'who-was-who'.
    He pointed out 'Baby Jesus'...'Mary'...'Joseph'...'sheep'...
    ...And who was the mysterious big round, brown coloured-in person?
    'Brown John Virgin' of course!!

  • Asked to draw a their favorite Bible story, one kid came out with an airplane with a bunch of people in it. When asked to explain, it was declared 'The flight to Egypt'.
    Passengers included were Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Moses....
    ...And who should be flying the plane?
    'Pontius the Pilate'! (who else?!)


1 comment:

Shelley Jane Ahrens said...

Haha! What a laugh!