Sunday, July 12, 2009


Its so few hours now before take off and I've got butterflies mashing up my stomach!

As prepared as we have tried to be, we still haven't quite got our bags packed...but HEY! Hooray! Its a holi-holiday...Hi-di-hi-di-ho! We've still got a half hour or so before it starts getting crucial!

I finally figured out how to use Turish Airways' online check-in...what a mission! (more a lack of instructions than anything else) ...we're booked in leg-roomy seats...I hope! So praying for clear skys and happy flying.

I don't think we're going to be computering while we're away...if we do: my next post will be from Espania!!



1 comment:

Shelley Jane Ahrens said...

Enjoy Spain and have a romantic, inspiring, fun time! You have worked so hard and gone to so many Spanish deserve this adventure big time Gina...hope it's lavish in goodness.